Remote Learning Policy


Remote education is viewed by Maiden Erlegh School as a last resort; it is not considered to be an equal alternative to being present in school to learn. Using this remote education policy is a ‘last resort’; where attendance at school is not possible, but where pupils are able to continue learning from home.

If the school is closed for one or two days (for example due to snow or other unforeseen circumstances) then work will be set on Microsoft Teams for students to work asynchronous (independent learning), apart from during industrial action by teaching staff when it will not be possible to set work in this way. Where a whole or partial school closure is the result of Industrial Action by members of teaching staff, every effort will be made to provide high quality, meaningful work via Google Classroom on a Year Group stream. Where possible, work will be posted before 8.30am on the day(s) in question. Individual teachers will not be required to set work.

All students will follow their normal school timetable; depending which week it is some of these lessons will be synchronous (a live lesson led by the teacher) or asynchronous (independent learning).

River Academy will make every attempt to ensure that the work provided by teachers via Microsoft Teams is high quality, meaningful, ambitious and covers a range of subjects to enable pupils to keep on track with their education. Every effort will be made to ensure that remote education is equivalent in length to the core teaching time pupils would receive in school. Teachers will ensure that the specific SEND needs of individual pupils are considered in the setting of work. River Academy is mindful of the individual needs and circumstances of pupils and their families in terms of the extent to which remote education is accessed from home.

Students will start the day with a live tutor session through Teams. Your child should be logged on and live by 9.10am.

Remote Learning: Individual cases where a pupil is unable to attend school but can learn. As per Department for Education guidance (2023), ‘there should only be limited circumstances where a pupil is unable to attend school but is able and well enough to continue their education remotely’. Where a pupil is absent from school in the short-term – less than 15 school days (consecutively or cumulatively) during the school year, there is not an expectation on teaching staff to set work. If a pupil absence is for 15 school days or more, there is an obligation on the Local Authority to arrange suitable education for children of compulsory school age where, because of health or other reasons, the pupil would otherwise not receive a suitable education (sec.19 Education Act, 1996). River Academy will work closely with the Local Authority in such circumstances, to minimise the impact of interrupted learning.