

Maiden Erlegh Trust is committed to a policy of inclusion and our aim is to overcome barriers to learning and make sure that the needs of all students are met. At River Academy, we are student-centred in our approach to SEND. 

Our SEND provision is rooted firstly in Quality First Teaching in our classrooms. The curriculum at River Academy is broad, balanced and carefully planned to provide a learning environment that aims high for all our students, including those with SEND. We support all our students to meet their individual potential and grow in self-esteem. Our teachers know their students and adapt resources and outcomes for the ability of individual students, guided by the SENCO. Our calm, structured lessons and transitions around school support our students with SEND.  

Our wider curriculum also provides a range of opportunities for all students to be the very best version of themselves: articulate, thoughtful, confident citizens who are ambitious for themselves and keen to contribute to their community.  

We aim:

  • To follow a graduated approach to Special Educational Needs where appropriate interventions are matched to the needs of each young person
  • To encourage and support young people to participate in all decision making processes in relation to their education and that their views are taken into account
  • To encourage the whole community to develop and demonstrate a positive attitude towards special educational needs and disabilities
  • To promote equality and consideration for others
  • To support students in building the skills and attributes necessary to develop their independence
  • To provide a range of opportunities for all students to be the very best version of themselves: articulate, thoughtful, confident citizens who are ambitious for themselves and keen to contribute to their community.  
  • To celebrate student achievement
  • To develop social skills

We will provide:

  • An experienced and dedicated SENCO to drive SEN provision in the school
  •  A detailed process of ASSESS PLAN DO REVIEW to identify needs, plan support and review provision
  • Embedded use of Provision Map, a portal for SEN passports, plans and provisions, sharing information and updates with both staff in school and parents at home
  • A range of psychometric assessments to help identify students' needs
  • Experienced Support Staff to work with students with SEND
  • A range of well-considered interventions to be delivered by our support staff to small groups, or one-to-one as meet needs in the areas of
    • Communication & Interaction
    • Cognition & Learning
    • Social, Emotional & Mental Health
  • A suite of rooms dedicated to use for interventions
  • Open communication between school and home
  • Close relationships with SENCOs at our feeder primary schools
  • Advice and support from external professionals e.g. Educational Psychologist, Sensory Consortium, NHS Physiotherapist, Reading Inclusion Support in Education
  • Close liaison with Brighter Futures for Children SEN Team

Our SENCO is Mrs R Clarke, contacted via the school office –